Everyone’s experience is everyone’s treasure.

Finanza Sviluppo e Innovazione (FSI) is an organisation that involves over sixty professionals. These include mainly financial analysts, lawyers, managers and accountants, who are all highly qualified and with years of experience in the sectors of reference.

FSI was formed in order to integrate different skills, professionalism and experience. This contributes at stimulating growth and development processes of the areas in which it operates, as well as managing and resolving any phases involving a company crisis.FSI

There are no simple answers for complex problems. Or rather, they do exist. But they are the wrong ones!

For over twenty years, FSI professionals have been working for public bodies, private companies and investors and have been basing their success on the profound knowledge of the areas of specialisation, on the integration of skills, as well as on dedication to their customers.

Creating development is our goal

The development of local communities is the essential driver in terms of environmental and social sustainability to respond effectively to the emerging challenges affecting our society.

Approximately 70% of global infrastructure demand is concentrated on an urban scale. However, the territories are called today to deal with problems of enormous complexity and heterogeneity, requiring an integrated approach which value different skills. Furthermore, it is important to mention that the entrepreneurial system is facing a severe economic and financial crisis.

FSI professionals are strongly rooted in the territories and have a strong knowledge regarding the needs and potential of the present economic districts. FSI intends to take an active part in promoting specific territorial development initiatives through:

  • An analysis of the territory, by evaluating its problems and potentials
  • The identification of social and economic agents for the development of initiatives
  • the strategic and functional link with the institutional and financial systems
  • Any direct participation in the initiatives promoted

FSI also intends to promote the re-launch of the strategic enterprises of the territory affected by the crisis, in collaboration with the credit system and through the involvement of private finance and indispensable managerial resources.

Extraordinary operations are our ordinary business.

The main activities consist in the development of new projects through the search for financial sources, by way of debt and / or equity, the construction of business plans, the analysis of economic-financial balance of investments, the valuation of assets and companies, the negotiation. and the financial structuring of complex projects, the review and optimization of the organization and of the company processes, the search for new industrial partners, the management of the processes of acquisition and / or corporate reorganization, the study of particular tax, accounting and rate corporate issues , the definition of contracts and agreements between companies and / or institutions, the interpretation and implementation of sector regulations.

In the event of any business crisis, FSI professionals, taking on both advisory and interim management roles, support the company and shareholders in activities aimed at performance improvement and / or operational / financial restructuring, with particular focus on management of working capital, short-term financial flows, organisational restructuring, cost saving and the development of turnaround plans associated with financial manoeuvres.

The integration of diversified skills is a value.

FSI professionals boast a specific and multi-year experience in the following sectors:

  1. local public services, having dealt with some of the main reorganisation processes in Italy, involving integrated water service, waste management and disposal, transportation, energy production and distribution markets;
  2. the construction and management of mainly sanitary and road infrastructures, those destined for utilities, as well as urban redevelopment works;
  3. prevention, management and overcoming of the business crisis, having intervened in all phases of this, with both professional and managerial skills, as well as with the involvement of adequate financial and industrial operators;
  4. internationalisation, through the research and selection of partners for aquisitions or joint-ventures aimed at entering the foreign markets and hence the business development;
  5. research of equity and debt funds, also alternative to the usual banking channel, aimed at financing the investment and capital expenditures plans and the working capital requirements;
  6. compliance and assessment of adequate programs to manage risks in accordance with the relevant regulation.

In these sectors, FSI professionals have had the opportunity to lend their assistance to important national and international companies, public and private entities.

Our values

Our values influence all the things we do, the people we work with and the customers we interact with. FSI evolves over time according to the market and the competitive dynamics. However, the following values are the foundations of FSI which remain constant over time:

  • Quality: we value the quality of the people and the quality of the work done. This is achieved over continuous process of improvement and professional development and through teamwork;
  • Reliability: in a competitive market, our reputation, our team performance and the quality of our work are the key factors for which customers decide to rely on FSI;
  • Integrity: we value not to allow economic interest to compromise our integrity.